lightbulb story 5.png

Northwest River Partners

CREATIVE DIRECTION : Carbon-Free ECo-Friendly Electricity
CLIENT / AGENCY : Northwest River Partners / North

Hydropower is a touchy subject in the Pacific Northwest. If you look to the bumper sticker slogans its pure evil in the form of a dam. But if you lower you gaze to the carbon-emitting exhaust pipes below the bumper stickers, hydropower is our clean local renewable energy. The goal was to focus the clean, renewable, local, and friendly power option of water when I came up with these concepts. The headline I wrote was so useful the client got multiple campaigns out of it.

The first campaign launched in 2019. The cultural climate was focused on Greta Thunberg and the global student strike for climate justice. At the time young educated women had (an hopefully still have) the strongest voice in the conversation that is why I thought our hero should power the locally-made neon sign.

Ideas that didn’t make the cut.