Scrappers knife.png

Human Pocket Knife

Human Pocket Knife


Human Pocket Knife 〰️


Justin “Scrappers” Morrison

I’m not a one-trick pony. I’m more of a party-trick work horse. As a human pocket knife, I’m handy for a variety of jobs; creative direction, art direction, copy writing, travel writing, illustration, art-making, camera handling, editing, team assembling, story-sculpting, production, and wildcard blue sky unexpected conceptual ideation. Or if you need a cardboard box opened I can be a human pocket knife for that also.


IG: @scrappers LI: @scrappers

Work For Fun


Work For Fun 〰️


Useful Parts

Strange Work History. Free-Range Education. Actual Skills. Creative Approach.

Make Love Not Ads


Make Love Not Ads 〰️


Client Work

Backpacks. Footwear. Water Bottles. Magazines. Consumer Packaged Goods. Goat Yogurt. Social and Environmental Causes.

Serve The Story


Serve The Story 〰️


True Stories

Travel Stories. Love Stories. Personal Profiles. Gear Reviews. Branded Editorial Ad-Like Content.

Art Is Free


Art Is Free 〰️


Artful Weirdness

Sculptures. Paintings. Commercial Illustrations. Maps. Doodles. Photos. Artful Stuff.